Win a ThermoPro Digital Thermo-hygrometer!

Win a ThermoPro Digital Thermo-hygrometer!

  • 4 inch, clear backlit display shows temperature and humidity
  • Wide temperature and humidity range
  • Touch screen functionality to change settings
  • Trend arrows and record for last 24 hrs
  • Ideal for indicating comfort level of your home or office
  Ended: 10:00PM 2nd November 2018


Win a ThermoPro T55 Thermo-Hygrometer!



ThermoPro products provide accurate temperature and humidity measurement.




Designed with modern styling and professional grades sensors, the ThermoPro TP-55 has the most sophisticated look and accurate measurements. Be it for humidity or temperature, it can help you to realise the adjustments that are necessary for your home or office. The TP55 is not only highly accurate but also extremely user friendly with a soft light for last minute night-time checks on current readings.


Furthermore, no need to remove the device off your wall or fridge to switch settings, simply to use the touchscreen display. Additionally, TP-55 provides an ample amount of valuable information, for instance, displaying 24 hour/all-time high/low records and current trends for both humidity and temperature, and lastly, humidity level icons that indicate that your household is too humid, too dry or just right.


This is perfect for indicating the comfort level of your home or office. For other ThermoPro products please visit their website here.